A logo for the eagles with a drawing of an eagle on a green background.

The Eagles Homeowner's Associations

The Eagles Master Association, Inc. (EMA) is a not-for-profit Florida Corporation which is the umbrella association representing the residents of The Eagles Community. All of the homes, with the exception of the original nine homes built on Starling Drive, fall within one of the nine villages, each of which has its own governing association. Click below on any of the links for more information on each village.

Developer control of the Eagles Master Association ended in May 2005. In April 2005 amendments to the governing documents were recorded and identify how the Board of Directors is appointed. Each Village is represented on the Board of Directors. In addition, The Eagles Golf Club has one seat on the Board and another seat is available to the original Starling Drive homes (subject to the annual Starling Drive representative vote).

The association newsletter, “The Soaring Eagles”, is mailed every other month (Jan, Mar, May, July, Sept, and Nov) to all homeowners. It includes a current listing of the board members of The Eagles Master Association as well as the board members for each village. The newsletter is also available on-line at www.IKarepublishing.com.

Most villages have their own local Architectural Control Committee which handles requests for that village.  Some requests, e.g., but not limited to, building additions, swimming pool additions, fences, sunrooms, etc., are sent to both the village as well as to the Eagles Master Association Architectural Control Committee for additional review. The request in those cases needs to be approved by both the village ACC as well as the Master Association ACC and should be sent simultaneously to both ACC’s to speed the process. In the villages which have their own local Architectural Control Committees, only village approval is needed for the following categories (this list is subject to change):

a. Paint Colors

b. Satellite Dishes/Antennas Located Least Obtrusive From the Front Street

d. White or Body Paint Color

e. Gutters/Downspouts

f. Earth-Tone Curbscaping

g. Earth-Tone Driveway Pavers Which Replace

h. Originally Driveway Installed Dimensions

i. Landscaped Water Softeners

j. Alongside Home Landscaped

k. Generators With Buried Propane or Screen Enclosed Generators

l. Solar Panels Located on Rear

m. Roofing

n. Replacement of Originally

o. Installed Landscaping Inclusive of Trees

p. Wooden Play Structures Located at Rear of Home in Non-easement Areas

  • Earth-Tone Walkways From Driveway to Front Entryway
  • Entryway Paving
  • Decorative Shutters & Awnings and Permanent Mountings/Bolts Painted House Body Color Which Are Affixed to Home for Hurricane Shutter “Easy Install” Process
  • Portable Flag Poles
  • Exact Replacement of Original Installed Exterior Home Elements e.g. Roof, Windows

For those villages – e.g., Byrnwyck, as well as Starling Drive, which do not have their own ACC committees, the Eagles Master Association Architectural Control Committee reviews all requests (the above categories “a thru o” as well as anything else, e.g., included but not limited to, building additions, swimming pool additions, fences, sunrooms, etc). ACC request forms can be found in the individual village sections on this website. Starling Drive requests should use the Eagles Master Association ACC form.


Mandatory Association fees for the Eagles Master Association are paid semi-annually. Due dates per fiscal year October 1 through September 30 of each year are: October 1 and April 1.

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